Wednesday, October 2, 2013

VBA Code to Display Which Button was Pressed

Sub ClickonwhichButton()

         ' Assign the calling object to a variable.
         ButtonName = Application.Caller

         ' Display the name of the button that was clicked.
         Select Case ButtonName

            ' NOTE: When you type the name of the button, note that
            ' Visual Basic is case and space sensitive when comparing                                                
            ' strings. For example, "Button 6" and "button6" are not the 
            ' same.
            Case "Button 6"
            MsgBox Application.Caller & "  was Clicked"

            Case "Button 7"
            MsgBox Application.Caller & " was clicked."

            Case "Button 8"
            MsgBox Application.Caller & " was clicked."

         End Select

End Sub

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