Friday, September 20, 2013

Form Control vs. ActiveX Control in MS Excel

ActiveX Controls
Excel Controls
Excel versions
97, 2000
5, 95, 97, 2000
Which toolbar?
Control Toolbox
Controls available
CheckBox, TextBox, CommandButton, OptionButton, ListBox, ComboBox, ToggleButton, SpinButton, ScrollBar, Label, Image
Label, GroupBox, Button, CheckBox, OptionButton, ListBox, ComboBox, ScrollBar, Spinner
Macro code storage
In the code module for the Sheet
In any standard VBA module
Macro name
Corresponds to the control name (e.g., CommandButton1_Click)
Any name you specify.
Correspond to...
UserForm controls
Dialog Sheet controls
Extensive, using the Properties box
Respond to events
Click or Change events only

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