Wednesday, July 18, 2012

User Defined Types(UDT) for VBA

User Defined Types (UDTs) are a convenient way to store related data in one variable. The most useful way one can use UDT to pass information between procedures. Here is a simple example  of how to use UDT. The type statement is used to define UDT and must be outside of any procedures.

Option Explicit

Private Type Applicant
    firstname As String
    lastname As String
    resumerecvd As Boolean
    interviewdate As Date

End Type

Sub defineUDT()
    Dim myapp As Applicant
    myapp.firstname = "Soumyendu"
    myapp.lastname = "Choudhury"
    myapp.resumerecvd = True
    myapp.interviewdate = #7/15/2011#
    useUDT myapp
End Sub

Sub useUDT(myInput As Applicant)
        MsgBox myInput.firstname
        MsgBox myInput.lastname
        MsgBox myInput.resumerecvd

End Sub

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