Thursday, November 10, 2011

Turn VBA code into Add-In

Turn Vba Code into excel Add-in
Find specific in all Worksheet

An Excel Add-In is a file (usually with an .xlam, .xla extension) that Excel can load when it starts up. The file contains
code (VBA in the case of an .xla/.Xlam Add-In) that adds additional functionality to Excel, usually in the form of new functions.

You can say it's a modified version of UDF which can be used across all worksheets.

How to crete an Add-In:

1.Open an excel file with normal VBA code which you want to convert an Add-In

2.Open Project properties Under General tab give a new name to the project.Under Protection tab, lock the project with new

3.In Save as Type drop-down list,select Excel Add-In(*.xlam/*.xla).

4.Click Save

A new Add-In file is created.

Installing Add-In
1. Press Alt TI in already opened excel file
2. Click Browse button and locate the Add-In file just created.
3. After adding new Add-In  in its list,click the check button of respective Add-In; it will be added in Add-In's list.
4. Don't save opened file.
5. Restart Excel

To distribute Add-In you just distribute the (*.Xlam/*.xla) file to respective user.

VBA code for calculating Age:

Function calcAge(dob As Date)
    If dob = 0 Then
        MsgBox "No Birthdate"
        Select Case Month(Date)
            Case Is < Month(dob)
                clacAge = Year(Date) - Year(dob) - 1
            Case Is = Month(dob)
                If Day(Date) >= Day(dob) Then
                    calcAge = Year(Date) - Year(dob)
                    calcAge = Year(Date) - Year(dob) - 1
                End If
            Case Is > Month(dob)
                calcAge = Year(Date) - Year(dob)
        End Select
    End If
End Function

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