Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sort Worksheet using VBA

When you have more than 10 worksheets in your excel file, it's very urgent to sort these sheets on the basis of their sheet name so that we can find them very easily.

VBA code for that is as follows:

Sub sortSheet()
Dim sheetcount, a, b As Integer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
sheetcount = Worksheets.Count
If sheetcount = 1 Then Exit Sub
For a = 1 To sheetcount - 1
    For b = a + 1 To sheetcount
    If Worksheets(b).Name < Worksheets(a).Name Then
    Worksheets(b).Move before:=Worksheets(a)
    End If
    Next b
Next a
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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