Thursday, August 11, 2011

Login on website using VBA

            Yes!! we can use VBA for web application also.I have faced  a situation where I have to extract sales report  for different locations from web application using different login Id and password. So it's a time comsuming process to login each time with different userid & password. So we can automatize the process using VBA code.
            First of all we have to take two references in Tools menu of VBA Editor
              1. Microsoft HTML object library 
              2.Microsoft Internet Controls

Sample VBA code for this:

Sub loginWebWeX()

Dim htmldoc As HTMLDocument
 Dim browser As InternetExplorer
 Dim surl As String
 Dim objCollection As Object
 Dim objElement As Object
 surl = ""
 On Error GoTo errorhandler
 Set browser = New InternetExplorer
     browser.Silent = True
     browser.navigate surl
     browser.Visible = True
     'MsgBox "Your request is being processed"
     Do While browser.Busy Or browser.ReadyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE
     Set htmldoc = browser.document
      Set objCollection = htmldoc.getElementsByTagName("Input")
     i = 0
     While i < objCollection.Length
         If objCollection(i).Name = "username" Then
             objCollection(i).Value = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("A1").Value
         ElseIf objCollection(i).Name = "passwd" Then
         objCollection(i).Value = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("A2").Value
         End If
         i = i + 1
     Set objCollection = Nothing
     Set objCollection = htmldoc.getElementsByTagName("button")
     While j < objCollection.Length
         If objCollection(j).Type = "submit" Then
         Set objElement = objCollection(j)
         End If
         j = j + 1
    Set objCollection = Nothing
    Set objElement = Nothing
    Set htmldoc = Nothing
    Set browser = Nothing
    Exit Sub
  MsgBox Err.Description

End Sub


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