Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Brief Introduction to Sensitivity Analysis

A technique used to determine how different values of an independent variable will impact a particular dependent variable under a given set of assumptions. This technique is used within specific boundaries that will depend on one or more input variables, such as the effect that changes in interest rates will have on a bond's price.

One of the finest features in Microsoft Excel is sensitivity analysis using either a table (Excel 2003) or 'What-if' in Excel 2007. Suppose you want to start a cybercafe or a restaurant in a new mall. You have done a study on the footfall and the kind of people who visit the mall. You have also found out about the business atmosphere, security and rent or the outright purchase price. You also know the rates in the market that other businesses are charging, let's say, for surfing the net per hour. You then estimate your capital costs like doing up the cybercafe and the price of the computers. You also use the Excel spreadsheet to estimate and calculate the number of people you'll need to run the show and the amount of salaries you'll have to pay. You have also estimated other variable costs like electricity and phone.
From the above data in the Excel worksheet you can calculate your total monthly or yearly costs. Now based on a certain price that you will charge the customers, number of computers and working hours you can calculate your revenue per month or per year. From the data of revenue and income you can easily calculate the profit. Till now everything was easy to implement in Excel.
Now you decide to find out how your profit can vary if you vary the charge per hour or the number of people who will visit your cybercafe or establishment. Of course, you cannot charge what you want but you can get a good estimate by observing what others are charging and what quality of service and environment they are providing.
Arranging all your data properly, click on 'Data' in the ribbon in Microsoft Office 2007 or 'Data' in the menu bar in Excel 2003. In Excel 2007 select 'What-if' analysis and finally 'Data Table...'. In the popup window in the 'Row input cell' type the data that you have input horizontally next to the profit and in the 'column input cell' write down the price and vary it it by 1% 0r 2% so that that Excel can perform an analysis for, say., $0.5 per hour charge for a cybercafe to $1.5 per hour. The horizontal values can be the number of people per hour or month or year that will visit the shop and keep on varying the values by a certain estimated percentage. Click 'OK' and you can see how your profit varies with the number of customers and the price you charge. This is also known as a two variable table because you calculated the changes in your profit based on two parameters - price and number of customers.
Contribution by Dr. Dinesh K Takyar

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Thursday, June 6, 2013

VBA Code for Calendar(without ActiveX control)

Dim selecteddate As Date
Dim cbtarget As msforms.ComboBox, cbtarget1 As msforms.ComboBox
Dim myrng As Range

Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
Dim dayscount
Dim tempvar
Dim dayName
Dim currentdate
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim cmdbutton1 As msforms.CommandButton
dayName = Format(DateSerial(year(Date), ComboBox1.ListIndex + 1, 1), "ddd")
Dim counter As Integer, daycounter As Integer
Dim cmdbutton() As Variant
dayscount = Day(DateSerial(year(Date), ComboBox1.ListIndex + 2, 0))
cmdbutton = Array("CommandButton1", "CommandButton2", "CommandButton3", "CommandButton4", "CommandButton5", "CommandButton6", "CommandButton7", "CommandButton8", "CommandButton9", "CommandButton10", "CommandButton11", "CommandButton12", "CommandButton13", "CommandButton14", "CommandButton15", "CommandButton16", "CommandButton17", "CommandButton18", "CommandButton19", "CommandButton20", "CommandButton21", "CommandButton22", "CommandButton23", "CommandButton24", "CommandButton25", "CommandButton26", "CommandButton27", "CommandButton28", "CommandButton29", "CommandButton30", "CommandButton31", "CommandButton32", "CommandButton33", "CommandButton34", "CommandButton35", "CommandButton36", "CommandButton37", "CommandButton38")
currentdate = Format(Date, "dd")
If ComboBox1.Value <> vbNullString Then
    If dayName = "Sun" Then
        counter = 0
        daycounter = 1
    ElseIf dayName = "Mon" Then
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(0)).Visible = False
        counter = 1
        daycounter = 1
    ElseIf dayName = "Tue" Then
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(0)).Visible = False
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(1)).Visible = False
        counter = 2
        daycounter = 1
    ElseIf dayName = "Wed" Then
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(0)).Visible = False
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(1)).Visible = False
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(2)).Visible = False
        counter = 3
        daycounter = 1
    ElseIf dayName = "Thu" Then
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(0)).Visible = False
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(1)).Visible = False
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(2)).Visible = False
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(3)).Visible = False
        counter = 4
        daycounter = 1
    ElseIf dayName = "Fri" Then
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(0)).Visible = False
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(1)).Visible = False
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(2)).Visible = False
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(3)).Visible = False
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(4)).Visible = False
        counter = 5
        daycounter = 1
    ElseIf dayName = "Sat" Then
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(0)).Visible = False
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(1)).Visible = False
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(2)).Visible = False
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(3)).Visible = False
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(4)).Visible = False
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(5)).Visible = False
        counter = 6
        daycounter = 1
    End If
    For i = counter To (counter + dayscount) - 1
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(i)).Visible = True
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(i)).BackColor = RGB(135, 206, 250)
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(i)).ForeColor = RGB(102, 0, 51)
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(i)).FontBold = True
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(i)).Caption = daycounter
        If (daycounter = currentdate) And ((ComboBox1.ListIndex + 1) = Month(Date)) Then
            Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(i)).BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 204)
        End If
        daycounter = daycounter + 1
    Next i
    For j = (counter + dayscount) To 37
        Calendar.Controls(cmdbutton(j)).Visible = False
    Next j
End If

End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton1.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton2.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton3.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton4_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton4.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton5.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton6_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton6.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton7_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton7.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton8_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton8.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton9_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton9.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton10_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton10.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton11_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton11.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton12_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton12.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton13_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton13.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton14_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton14.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton15_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton15.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton16_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton16.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton17_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton17.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton18_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton18.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton19_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton19.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton20_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton20.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton21_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton21.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton22_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton22.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton23_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton23.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton24_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton24.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton25_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton25.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton26_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton26.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton27_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton27.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton28_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton28.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton29_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton29.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton30_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton30.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton31_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton31.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton32_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton32.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton33_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton33.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton34_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton34.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton35_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton35.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton36_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton36.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton37_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton377.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton38_Click()
Set cbtarget1 = Calendar.ComboBox2
Set cbtarget = Calendar.ComboBox1
selecteddate = DateSerial(cbtarget1.Value, cbtarget.ListIndex + 1, CommandButton38.Caption)
PlayerMaster.TextBox6 = Format(selecteddate, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
Unload Calendar
End Sub

Private Sub Label3_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Set myrng = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("L1:L12")
Set cbtarget = Me.ComboBox1
Set cbtarget1 = Me.ComboBox2
cbtarget.List = myrng.Cells.Value
cbtarget1.Value = year(Date)
cbtarget.Value = Format(Date, "mmm")
Label3.ForeColor = 255
End Sub

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Generate Next Id For AphaNumericValue

Excel formula     ="P"&TEXT(MAX(--SUBSTITUTE(A2:A33,"P","")+1),"00000")
Press Control+Shift+Enter
